Sunday, 17 February 2013

360 Degree Feedback


360 degree feedback is a method and a tool that provides each employee the opportunity to receive performance feedback from his or her supervisor and four to eight peers, reporting staff members, coworkers and customers. Most 360 degree feedback tools are also responded to by each individual in a self assessment.

360 Degree Feedback
360 degree feedback allows each individual to understand how his effectiveness as an employee, coworker, or staff member is viewed by others. The most effective 360 degree feedback processes provide feedback that is based on behaviors that other employees can see.

360-degree feedback is also known as multi-rater feedback, multi source feedback, or multi source assessment.

  •  Individuals get a broader perspective as to how they   are perceived by others.
  •  The feedback provides a more rounded view of their performance.
  •  Enhanced awareness and relevance of competencies.
  •   Awareness for senior management too, as they will get to know their need for development.
  •   Feedback is perceived more valid and objective as it’s collected from varied sources.

  •          Frank and honest opinion may not be received.
  •          Stress might be put on individuals for giving   feedback.
  •          Lack of action following feedback.
  •          Over reliance on technology.
  •         Too much bureaucracy (Official Procedure might slow  the process).


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