Sunday, 17 February 2013

Job Burnout

What is Job Burnout ? 

Burnout is a state of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and  prolonged stress. It can occur when you feel overwhelmed and unable to meet constant demands. As the stress continues, you begin to lose the interest or motivation that led you to take on a certain role in the first place. Burnout reduces your productivity and saps your energy, leaving you feeling increasingly hopeless, powerless, cynical, and resentful. The unhappiness burnout causes can eventually threaten your job, your relationships, and your health. 

The Signs of Burnout 

· Frustration and powerlessness 

· Hopelessness 

· Being drained of emotional energy 

· Detachment, withdrawal, isolation 

· Being trapped 

· Having failed at what you’re doing 

· Irritability 

· Sadness 

· Cynicism (people act out of selfishness and nothing can be done about it) 

Causes of Burnout 

1. Lack of recognition or rewards for good work. 

2. Unclear or overly demanding job expectations. 

3. Doing work that’s monotonous or unchallenging. 

4. Working too much, without enough time for relaxing and socializing. 

5. Being expected to be too many things to too many people. 

6. Working in a chaotic or high-pressure environment. 

7. Not getting enough sleep. 

8. Lack of close, supportive relationships. 

9. Pessimistic view of yourself and the world. 

10. Taking on too many responsibilities, without enough help from others. 

Coping with Burnout 

1. Get 30 Minutes of vigorous exercise at least three times a week. 

2. Find moments in the day when you stop, take a breath, and be aware of what is around you. 

3. Learn to sooth yourself and reduce built-up tension. 

4. Get the right amount of healthy sleep. 

5. Organize your activity so that mentally stimulating activity occurs early in the day, soon after you wake up. 

6. Belong to a group of like-minded people. 

7. Take time to appreciate yourself every day. 

8. Surround yourself with friends/family by whom you feel supported.

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